• Anton Zeilinger visited our lab

    We were honored to have 2022 Nobel laureate Anton Zeilinger visit our lab this week. His foundational work on quantum entanglement is the basis of everything we do in the lab today. His visit was followed by a public lecture in packed FMF hall. You can watch the lecture here.

  • Narrowband source of entanglement paper on arXiv

    We just uploaded our paper on designing a narrowband source of entanglement on arXiv. It is available here. In it, we describe considerations we went through when designing one of our future sources of narrowband entangled photons. It will consist of two nonlinear crystals inside a single cavity. The main challenge will be to achieve and maintain cavity resonance shared by all four cavity modes relevant for generating the entangled state. We look forward to next steps in this process.

  • Illustration of entanglement distribution via satellite

    Towards a Slovenian Quantum Network

    The European Union is currently preparing to implement the infrastructure for a Europe-wide network for quantum communication. To this purpose, research groups, industrial partners and government representatives from all European member states have devised projects to perform proof-of-principle demonstrations of quantum communication and quantum key distribution (QKD). To this end, quantum communication infrastructure will be implemented on the national level in all EU member states to later facilitate the inter-national connection of those networks. Our group and our faculty are integral parts of the Slovenian effort to implement such a quantum network, and we are confident that we will be able to begin implementing a Slovenian quantum network in autumn…

  • Narrow-band SHG for pumping SPDC

    We just succeeded in locking a cavity to enhance the nonlinear second-harmonic generation (SHG) process in a periodically poled lithium niobate crystal. In this process, narrow-band 1310nm light is frequency doubled to 655nm light. This light will then pump a setup for generating narrow-band polarization-entangled photons via cavity-enhanced spontaneous parametric downconversion (SPDC).

  • Operating the cavity prototype in vacuum

    Top view on the Silicon Carbide optical bench. To protect the mirrors from the dust and humidity, the cavity is enclosed by an aluminum tube. Four clamps press a viton sealing against the mirror substrate to minimize air leaks.

  • Quantum Optics + Quantum Foundations

    Welcome to the website for our research group! We only recently began filling the page with content. Return here to keep up to date with the developments in our group. The image shows a 3D rendering of the design of a prototype for the high-finesse cavity that will eventually form the center-piece of the optical bench of the MAQRO space mission. The baseplate is made from Silicon Carbide to provide optimal thermal stability at the cryogenic operating temperatures of MAQRO. All other components are made of fused silica. Light is coupled into and out of the cavity via a optical fibers. The light existing the fibers is focused into the…